Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Fishing boats @ Kakinada

     I am presently at the Port town of Kakinada on the eastern coast of India. Long time back this used to be a sleepy little fishing village. Fishing boats were  the only sea faring vessels here. Then people realised that it was a natural harbour. The traffic increased. A few years back oil was discovered off the coast in this region. The traffic just went on multiplying. The village became a crowded town with people jostling for breathing space. The fishing boats got pushed to a corner called the fishing boat harbour. Some of them found space in some water channels coming into the city. They also appear to be struggling for breathing space. 
     It was a lovely subject to paint. Hope I have done justice to it. 


  1. Bonjour,

    J'aime la manière comment vous décrivez Kakinada... C'est fou comme un lieu peut devenir populaire dès que des richesses sont découvertes ! j'ose espérer que toutefois son authenticité n'en soit pas oubliée...
    Un bel hommage que d'avoir peint ce port où les mats de ces voiliers se dressent fièrement. Une très belle harmonie de couleurs.
    Gros bisous

  2. Fascinating focus on the cluster of boats and their reflections. The approach seems simplistic , yet the details are stunning! Our many close friends live in Kakinada, yet we hasn't made a visit there!

    1. You must make it next time. Probably you will get some subjects for your paintings!

  3. Lovely sense of movement, crowding and colour of the sailboats bobbing in the water.
    Stay inspired!

  4. Isn't this the fate of most old, quaint places - either die out and the population leaves them for the city, or they turn into a city. Everything changes...
    Very beautiful painting! You managed to depict nicely the large group of boats - a difficult subject with so many overlapping shapes.

  5. Wonderful painting Asit, I like the movement and the nice colors of the boats. Ciao!

  6. Wonderful, Asit! You really have caught that crowded feeling of all those colorful fishing boats.

  7. Beautiful as usual Asit! You did the boats justice, they look like they are standing tall and proud. Do you ever sell your watercolors?

  8. Gorgeous painting. Love the colours and the reflections. You've given the impression of a bustling but happy harbour.

  9. Beautiful painting, hopefully the oil boom doesn't spoil all of the beauty.

  10. Molto bello. C'è movimento, colore e profondità

  11. A great mosaic of fun color. Love how they all wedge together. Very nice!

  12. This is really lovely. I quite like how you painted the reflections of the boats in the water. Fresh and loose and it really conveys the spirit of the water.
