Wednesday, November 7, 2012

'Big B'

     This is a quick fire portrait of Mr Amitabh Bachchan, who is popularly known as 'Big B' in India. He is an actor who has been firing the imaginations of Indians for the past 50 years. In his hey days he was also known as 'The angry young man' for the kind of roles he did. His popularity has still not faded even a wee bit. I, for one, am a big fan of his. Would like him to continue forever.
     Wanted to do a portrait for a change. What better subject than this ! And believe you me, this was pure fun... all the way. 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Mhadei sets sail again !

     Had done this work more than two years back. The occasion was... my friend, Commander Donde had successfully completed the solo circum-navigation of the world... the First Indian to do so. This painting is of his Sail Boat- Mhadei. Had to repost this pic because another Indian Naval officer- Lieutenant Commander Tomy has set course in the same small, fragile boat. He has also set course alone on this voyage... wants to repeat the feat... with an added challenge. He wants to go round the world... Non Stop... Unassisted ! Friends, please wish him luck. His live updates will be available for all